Trade show / Course Reflection (Week 13)

Our final week! In the end, my group and I were all quite happy with our final design and implementation. The website worked flawlessly except for one part that I couldn't figure out how to get the score to automatically be added to the database instead of manually entering it. Though this did not phase our tutor, who spoke very highly to us about the rest of the game but particularly the design. She loved it. So I think the trade show went fantastically.
The tutor was not the only person who enjoyed our site, I observed as other students in the class went and had a go at our 'Aussie Quiz' and had a few laughs, they seemed to be enjoying themselves and particularly liked having their name on the top 10 leader board!
After the trade show finished we had a few little bugs (trove images loading in wrong order) to fix before the final submission, which also included finalizing the report. Apart from that, we were done and dusted with DECO1800. Not really, still had to finish blogs and portfolios.

I found that this course gave me the most experience collaborating with group members on a project that I've ever had. We each used our strengths to help each-other complete parts of the assignment and it turned out perfectly. And we were fortunate in that regard, that each member had a particular field that they would prefer to specialize in, such as graphic design or javascript. I myself focused on SQL, PHP and databases, with a little bit of HTML. I considered myself to be quite weak in SQL and PHP at the start of this course but opted to work on those areas and let the other members do graphic design and HTML, so I could improve myself. I walk away from this course feeling more knowledgeable in that area and way more confident.

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