Experience with Paper Prototyping (Week 7)
This week in the contact session we had to give peer to peer feedback to other groups and also receive some feedback too! With the use of paper prototypes, created by David Fell for our website, I explained to other people in the class and showed them how our quiz game would be working. They were then given an online google form to fill out and provide us with feedback. The feedback we received was mostly positive, as the only complaints we go were saying the game itself was 'too simple' and this indicated to us that we should possibly add some more challenging elements to the game.
After showing a tutor our paper prototypes, they especially liked our design and colour scheme elements of the website. He then told us that he thought our Trove element was shoehorned in, and thought we should make it more of a defining element of our quiz. This gave us some food for thought and we then discussed as a group about how we should be making trove more of a BIG thing in our quiz.