Week 9


We presented our current progress with the project in this contact session. We encountered some problems as we struggled to understand some fundamental javascript concepts and were unable to make our quiz somewhat functional, hopefully this is solved after the break. I on the other hand was struggling a bit with SQL and had to do some research into how to pull data from the database and display it on the page. I asked my tutor in the workshop about this and he fixed my issue in a matter of seconds, I was a bit taken aback when I saw how easily my issue was fixed.
Some of my team members worked on our progress report this week and I believe they finished it in a day, it was very good.
All my group members promised to try hard over the break to catch up on some parts that we were lagging behind in, in order to be more organised and making our life with this project easier. Lets see what happens when I come back in a few weeks.

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